In Cork, a woman was caught using two phones while driving. She was one of 54 distracted drivers caught recently by Gardaí using a stealth truck.
In just a few days, 54 distracted drivers were caught by the unmarked Garda truck. The Roads Policing Unit was out on the M8, M25, and in the city center. They aimed to catch drivers on their phones before the St Brigid’s Bank Holiday.
The stealth truck gives Gardaí a great view into drivers’ cars. They can easily spot anyone swiping on their phones. When they see unsafe behavior, they radio an unmarked car to pull over the driver.
Earlier this month, a van driver was stopped because he wasn’t holding the wheel. It turned out he had a fake driving license and an arrest warrant. Last year, over 21,500 fines were given to drivers using their phones.
Chief Superintendent Colm O’Sullivan emphasized that driving needs full attention. Using a phone while driving can lead to accidents. He urged everyone to focus on the road, especially during the Bank Holiday weekend.
He also reminded cyclists and pedestrians to be aware of their surroundings. At night, they should wear reflective clothing to stay visible. Let’s all work together for a safe and enjoyable weekend!