A teenage motorcyclist was hospitalized after a three-vehicle crash outside a takeaway in Easington. Police are seeking information about the incident.
The accident happened just after 6 PM. Police arrived at the scene involving a silver Ford Mondeo, a red Honda motorbike, and a grey Peugeot 3008 near Burger8 on Seaside Lane.
The Mondeo driver was turning onto Cemetery Road. The motorcyclist swerved to avoid a collision and hit the parked Peugeot.
He suffered an injury to his hand and forearm, losing the tip of his finger. Officers took him to the University Hospital of North Durham.
The Mondeo driver stopped briefly but left without sharing any details. Durham Constabulary is asking him to come forward. They also want anyone with information to reach out.
The driver is described as a man wearing a grey hoodie and dark trousers.
If you have any information, email emma.ellington@durham.police.uk or call Crimestoppers at 0800 555 111.
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